Plan Your Treadmill Workouts for Winter

There are many reasons to take your runs to the treadmill and, perhaps highest on the list, is inclimate weather. If you live where it snows, you are probably very grateful for a place you can still get quality workouts in without slipping on ice, dealing with piles of snow or having to cancel your run because of a storm.

Depending on how you feel about the impending freeze, you may have a love/hate relationship with the ‘mill but, winter is the best time to embrace your indoor running machine:

– Your warm-up remains the same since you’re not running outside in freezing temps which may cause or lead to injury.

– You get effective speed work in, no track necessary.

– You don’t need to bundle up and therefore pile up, your laundry. Run in shorts and a tank inside even if there is a blizzard outside.

Whatever you may be training for or recovering from, here are four tips to help you plan for a successful indoor workout season on the treadmill:

  1. For the reasons mentioned above, plan to do at least 2-3 sessions per week on the treadmill and vary those workouts. During the winter months it’s best to do speed work, tempo runs and hill repeats indoors where your injury risk is much lower.
  2. You will want the time to pass quickly so have planned workouts ready to go. We recommend these fun and effective sessions:


Treadmill Workout - Speed

Warm-up: 20 minutes or 1.5 to 2 miles, at a comfortable pace. You’re going hard in this workout and your legs need to be ready.

Main set: 4 x 1 mile at 10k pace with 800 easy intervals in between sets.

Cool down: 1 mile easy and stretch.

Hill Repeats

Treadmill Workout - Hill

Warm-up: 15 minutes or 1.5 miles at easy pace

Main set: 2 – 6 x

2 x 30 seconds at 2%, then 30 seconds rest

2 x 30 seconds at 4%, then 30 seconds rest

2 x 30 seconds at 1%, then 30 seconds of rest

Extra 30 seconds in between each set of six

Cool down: 5 minutes nice and easy, with attention to posture

  1. If you don’t own a treadmill, think of purchasing one prior to the first snowfall or freezing cold day. You will want to get acquainted with your new indoor running partner and you may be able to get a better price in the off-season.
  2. Schedule multiple runs with a friend! A bank of gym treadmills is the perfect opportunity to run side by side and watch the miles fly by, regardless of pace.

Everyone can run successfully though the winter, no matter where you live. With a little planning and by following our tips, your legs will be raring to go as soon as the roads are clear for that spring race!

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